NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow

NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow

Why Join For Indian NAVY | NTT - Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow


The aim of the Naval training team is to ensure that all Naval Cadets imbibe basic knowledge of Navigation, Seamanship, and Bridgemanship in both theoretical and practical aspects.


To impart basic knowledge of navigation, seamanship, and communication to cadets (theoretical & practical aspects) to enable Cadets to carry out basic seamanship, navigation, and bridgemanship duties under supervision.


The Naval Training Team imparts Specialist Service Training to the V and VI term Naval Cadets of the National Defence Academy. The team also moulds the cadets to be seafarers by optimally utilising the natural resources and thoughtfully designed infrastructure thus providing a naval environment to the maximum extent possible. Towards this, the training is imparted in a two-tier system viz. theoretical instructions in multimedia-enabled classrooms and practical instructions at the Watermanship Training Centre in Peacock Bay.

This training team being the only naval presence with a full-fledged set up provides administration & logistics cover to the units located in and around Pune like DIAT, and NCC, in addition to the naval contingent of NDA.


  • Conduct focused Service Subject Training to enable Naval Cadets to achieve the basic knowledge about navigation and seamanship subjects.
  • To prepare cadets to be professional officers in the Navy by providing them sound training.
  • To foster jointmanship amongst the cadets.
  • To inculcate in cadets the qualities of leadership, a potential for future development and desire to excel in every sphere.
  • Emphasis on overall personality development of a Naval Cadet by inculcating a sense of discipline, honour and integrity.

NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow


The Naval Training Team (NTT) imparts Specialist Service Subject Training to V and VI term Naval Cadets to include theoretical and practical aspects of general navigation, ship organisation and communication, general seamanship, Rules of Road(ROR), NBCD, tactics, ship handling simulator, Chart work, RelVeL, Boat work, astronavigation, anchor work and rigging.
In addition, to the theory and practical classes the following visits/expedition are conducted for the Naval Cadets:-

Training Exercise – ‘A Day Aboard at Sea’
To provide first-hand experience of seamanship and navigational exercises and evolutions on board ship, a training exercise ‘A Day aboard at Sea’ is conducted for VI term Naval Cadets in two phases. The main purpose of the exercise is to expose the cadets with life on board ship. The cadets are divided into watches and are put through the sea routine. Various exercises/ evolution are scheduled to consolidate for the theoretical and practical training imparted to cadets during V and VI term.

NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow

NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow | Warriors Defence Academy | Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow | Warriors Defence Academy | Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow

A Day Aboard at Sea

Attachment of III Term Naval Cadets

In order to motivate Naval Cadets and to expose them to the nautical environment in their early stages of training, an attachment of Naval Cadets of III term to various naval ships and establishments at Goa, Karwar and Mumbai is being conducted during mid-term.

Industrial visit to Garware Technical Fibres Ltd

The V Term Cadets are given an insight into the rope manufacturing industry to familiarize them to various types of ropes, materials used for making ropes depending on their usages, safety factors and types of construction during their industrial visit to Garware Technical Fibres Ltd.

NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow | Warriors Defence Academy | Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow | Warriors Defence Academy | Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow

Industrial visit to Garware Technical Fibres Ltd

Visit Central Water & Power Research Station
Central Water Power Research Station (CWPRS), Khadakwasla is an agency employed by Indian Government to study the tidal pattern, construction of harbour jetties, dams, bridges and methodology for arresting soil erosion. A visit is conducted to expose the Naval Cadets to understand the effects of tidal streams, the layout of various Indian harbours and the variation in the height of tide which forms a part of the syllabus in General Navigation.

NBCD School, Lonavala

Nuclear Biological Chemical defence and damage control form an important part of life at sea. Training visits for VI term Naval Cadets to NBCD School, INS Shivaji, Lonavala are conducted in VI term. This is a unique opportunity for the Cadets where about the nuances of fire-fighting and damage control are explained to them. The Cadets have been exposed to realistic conditions similar to that onboard a ship.

Following training activities are undertaken for the Cadets:

– Live fire-fighting exercise for Cadets in Fire Fighting Training Facility ‘Ajar’.
– Live Damage Control exercise in DC simulator ‘Akshat’. 
– Basics of ship’s stability and NBCD divisions with the help of static models.
– Demonstration of measures to counter NBC attack.
– A visit to DAG and Steam wing of CME are explained to cadets. The working principle of marine gas turbines, IC engines and steam engines.

NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow | Warriors Defence Academy | Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow | Warriors Defence Academy | Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow

NBCD School, Lonavala

Sailing Expedition to Mandvi Gaon.

In order to introduce cadets to sailing and enhance familiarization with water, a sailing expedition to Mandvi Gaon is conducted for VI term Naval Cadets. During the expedition, they are exposed to sailing in whalers, appreciation of wind direction, honing of skills to sail whaler boats and basic principles of sailing.

NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow | Warriors Defence Academy | Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow | Warriors Defence Academy | Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow

Sailing Expedition to Mandovi Gaon

Ex-Varuna (Attachment to Western Fleet Ships)
This exercise is exclusively meant for VI term Naval Cadets.  During this visit, the Cadets are taken to Mumbai for sea sortie for four days onboard two front lines IN warships. During the sea sortie of Ex-Varuna practical and written exams are conducted so as to assess the learning and interest level of the Cadets. The aim of the Ex Varuna is:-

  • Provide sea experience to the Cadets that would enable them to assimilate the practical aspects of the theoretical instructions imparted during the VI term at NDA.
  • Expose the Cadets to the ship’s environment, routine and equipment.
  • Provide the Cadets with job experience in general navigation and practical seamanship evolution.
  • Familiarise the Cadets with Naval customs, traditions & ceremonials on board a ship.
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow | Warriors Defence Academy | Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow | Warriors Defence Academy | Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow

Ex Varuna

Jointmanship Visit and Training Activities of Army & Air Force Cadets

Cross Training Visit of V term Army, Air Force and Foreign Cadets. To expose the Cadets of Army, Air Force and Foreign Cadets to the nautical environment during their stages of training at the academy, attachment of these Cadets of V term to Naval Dockyard (Mumbai) including various ships and establishments at Mumbai is undertaken. The visit is designed to provide an exposure to the Cadets of the Army & Air Force and Foreign Cadets to the naval environment and understand the strengths and limitations of the Navy during amphibious operations. They are briefed regarding the life on board and the role of the ship and are taken around the ship explaining the various weapons and systems onboard by the officers of the ship.

NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow | Warriors Defence Academy | Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow | Warriors Defence Academy | Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow

Cross Training visit to Naval Ships & Submarine

VI Term Visit to Naval Dockyard, Mumbai. Cross-training visit of VI term Army and Air Force cadets (including foreign cadets) is conducted every term along with Naval Cadets for a day at Naval Dockyard, Mumbai as part of Jointmanship training. The purpose of the visit is to expose the Cadets of other services to the functioning of the Indian Navy. During the sortie various exercises /evolutions viz. SAR, Submarine Demo, UNREP Towing and NBCDX are carried out.

NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow | Warriors Defence Academy | Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow | Warriors Defence Academy | Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow

Service attachment of III Term Naval Cadets to Goa & Karwar

Lecture cum Demo on “Survival at Sea”.  Demo and Lecture on Survival at sea are conducted at WTC, Peacock Bay in each term for all VI term Army, Naval & AF Cadets and V term Naval Cadets including Watermanship club Cadets.  During the event, a lecture is given by Medical Officer on basic life support and First Aid. A life raft is made available in liaison with MO (Mumbai) for practical demonstration

NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow | Warriors Defence Academy | Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow
NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow | Warriors Defence Academy | Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow

Demo and Lecture on Survival at Sea


NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow | Warriors Defence Academy | Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow

Training is an ever-evolving and continuous process. It has been very aptly saying that the more you train in peace, the less you bleed in war. In a future scenario of conflict, where the more educated will indeed be the well-armed. Emphasis is laid on the all-around development of cadets including academics and technical abilities for a service officer. The Naval Training Team (NTT) believes in setting benchmarks in order to produce quality material for the armed forces. NTT continuously strives to prepare the NDA cadet for his future career in the Navy through Specialist Service Training. NTT also endeavours to develop creativity, improve presentation skills, inculcate a flair for Watermanship, and encourage research-oriented studies amongst cadets through the study of contemporary military topics and naval campaigns.

In pursuance of the aforesaid objectives, NTT lays the basic foundation on Navigation, General Seamanship and, Communication to V and VI term naval cadets. The team also moulds them to transform as seafarers by providing the maritime environment to the extent possible. The training is being imparted in both theoretical instructions in classrooms and practical instructions at NTT and Watermanship Training Centre (WTC) at Peacock Bay. To inculcate professional reading habits amongst naval cadets, they are tasked to submit book reviews on contemporary naval or military studies along with presentations. In addition to book reviews, a syndicate presentation under the guidance of Naval DS on military and naval war campaigns is also undertaken by the VI term naval cadets. Service training is accorded the topmost priority at NTT. Towards this end, many initiatives have been taken to ensure imparting of optimal and quality specialist training.

Certain other value additions such as Computer-aided packages, navigational simulators, chart trainers, mechanized labour-saving devices, and various other working and static models have indeed helped the trainer in imparting seamless training with much lesser practical limitations. This has been instrumental in improving the overall quality of training at NTT.

The Watermanship Training Clubs at Peacock Bay are abuzz with water-based activities around the year. The aim of these clubs is to impart a spirit of adventure amongst the cadets and to acquaint them with the basics of water sports. Carved out of the waters of river Mutha, the facility has been put to optimum use by Peacock Bay and remains the jewel in NDA’s crown of spectacular beauty. It has nurtured the sailing skills of the cadets which unfurled its sails way back in 1955. The Sailing Club boasts the largest number of Enterprise boats as compared to any other Sailing Club in Asia.

It also holds various national, regional, inter-service and club level sailing regattas. NTT has produced many yachtsmen of international repute like Cmde Mongia, Capt Motiwala, Lt Cdr Tarapore, Lt Ashim Mongia, Capt PK Garg, and Cdr Mahesh to name a few, who have brought laurels to the nation. Incidentally, all of them have been bestowed with the Arjuna award, as well. This club introduces the art of sailing and the basic nuances of navigation amongst the cadets and grooms talented cadets to reach higher levels. The infrastructure, specialised training, and the picturesque settings of Peacock Bay at NDA are ideal for sailing. Yachting, rowing, kayaking, windsurfing, and water skiing are actively pursued as a part of club activities.

In an endeavour to expose NDA cadets to competitive racing, numerous sailing regattas are conducted by the NTT all through the year. Triangular Sailing Regatta is one such keenly contested sailing regatta between the traditional rivals NDA, Indian Naval Academy (INA), and Naval Engineering College (NEC) cadets. This is a biannual contest staged alternately at NDA and Naval Academy respectively. Late General K. S. Thimayya, DSO, instituted Thimayya Cup in 1959. Ever since it has been regularly conducted in Khadakwasla Lake under the aegis of the NDA Sailing Club. The idea of conducting the National Yachting Championship at NDA was mooted in the early 1980s. These National Championships have contributed enormously towards enhancing the popularity of this sport and generating an increasing interest amongst the youth of the nation.

An overall (versatile-rounded) personality is the need of the hour in the armed forces. It is a challenge to keep pace with the rapidly changing technology, which needs to be taken head-on to achieve success on the battlefield of tomorrow. The Naval Training Team continues in its endeavour to provide the best finished product for the Navy, which remains a pride for this premier tri-service training establishment.

NTT – Naval Training Team | Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow | Warriors Defence Academy | Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow

Training Ship Ronnie Perriera is a scaled model of a ship, designed to help naval cadets get a feel of life at sea, by creating a naval ambience. The ship with a full-fledged bridge, an operations room, and even a helo deck has actual equipment from decommissioned ships to provide a nautical environment for the budding future naval officers. This stone frigate was inaugurated by the Commandant, National Defence Academy on the 16 Jan 2006 and named “Training Ship Ronnie Perriera” in honour of the late Admiral R L Perreira, who has served as the Deputy Commandant of the NDA and later rose on to become the Chief of the Naval Staff.