Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

What is NDA 2025 Exam?

NDA is one of the most sought-after defense entrance exams in the country. The exam is conducted for admission to the Army, Navy, and Air Force wings of NDA and Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC). NDA is conducted twice a year in two stages: a written exam and SSB Interview. Around four lahks, aspirants appear for NDA every year, out of which approximately 6,000 are called for SSB Interviews. UPSC prepares a list of candidates who obtain minimum qualifying marks in the written exam. Such candidates are called for SSB Interview for Intelligence and Personality Test.

NDA Latest Updates:

NDA (II) 2021 Exam Postponed

NDA (II) 2021 exam, scheduled to be conducted on September 5, has been postponed by UPSC. The decision to postpone the exam has been taken by the commission after reviewing the prevailing situation due to COVID-19. The exam will be held at 75 centers across the country. Candidates who have already applied have the option to change their exam center at their convenience.

NDA 2021 Highlights 

Exam name National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (NDA & NA)
Conducted by UPSC 
Exam level National 
Exam category After Class 12
Frequency of exam Twice a year
Exam stages Written Test and SSB Interview 
Exam mode Offline 
Exam duration Five hours (Mathematics: 2 ½ hours, General Ability Test (GAT): 2 ½ hours) 
Exam syllabus Mathematics: Algebra, Matrices and Determinants, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry of two and three dimensions, Differential Calculus, Vector Algebra, Statistics, and Probability GAT: English, General Knowledge, Physics, Chemistry, General Science, Geography, Current Events, etc. #1 Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group
Exam pattern GAT: 150 objective-type questions Mathematics: 120 objective-type questions 
Language English and Hindi 
Exam purpose For admission to National Defence Academy (NDA) and Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC) 
Test cities 41
Exam helpdesk011-23385271/011-23381125/011- 23098543 
#1 Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

NDA (II) 2021 Notification – #1 Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

UPSC released NDA (II) 2021 notification on June 9. The notification was released in PDF form and contains exam-related information such as the exam date, number of vacancies, eligibility criteria, selection process, etc. NDA (2) 2021 notification was released for admission to the Army, Navy and Air Force wings of the NDA for the 148th Course and for the 110th Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC) commencing from July 2, 2022. #1 Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group


NDA Eligibility Criteria 2021

Candidates need to fulfill the following eligibility criteria in order to be eligible for the exam. 

Age Limit: For NDA 1 exam, candidates must have been born not earlier than July 2, 2002, and not later than July 1, 2005. For NDA 2 exam, candidates must have been born not earlier than January 2, 2003, and not later than January 1, 2006. 

Educational Qualification: The educational qualification is different for different academies. Candidates can check the educational qualification prescribed for different academies below:

Army Wing of National Defence AcademyPassed Class 12/HSC or equivalent from a recognized board or university. 
Air Force, Navy, and Naval Academy of National Defence AcademyPassed Class 12/HSC with Physics and Mathematics 
#1 Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

NDA eligibility criteria

NDA Dates 2021

The dates of the NDA I and II exams have been announced. Candidates can check below NDA dates for 2021. #1 Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

NDA I Dates 2021

EventsDatesSalient Features 
Notification 30-Dec-2020The complete schedule along with other details was released
Application form 30-Dec-2020Registrations for the recruitment exam had started on this date
Last date to apply 19-Jan-2021 Candidates could submit their application forms online 
Application Withdrawal27-Jan-2021 to 02-Feb-2021The facility to withdraw the application form of NDA was made available online
Written exam 18-Apr-2021The exam was conducted in two shifts: morning and afternoon across 41 cities spread throughout the country
Admit card 26-Mar-2021All registered candidates have been issued admit cards for the exam
Declaration of written result 30-Jun- 2021The result of the written exam is declared online and displays the roll numbers of shortlisted candidates
SSB Interview July to Sept 2021SSB Interview is conducted for the shortlisted candidates of written exam in two stages
#1 Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

NDA 2 Dates 2021

EventsDatesSalient Features 
Notification 09-Jun-2021NDA 2 notification has been released in PDF format
Application form 09-Jun-2021Application forms have been made available along with the notification 
Last date to apply 29-Jun-2021 Candidates can apply within the application deadline 
Written exam 05-Sept-.2021 (14-Nov-2021)The written exam of NDA II has been postponed. Earlier, it was scheduled to be conducted on September 5.
Admit card August 2021The admit card will be released online for registered candidates
Declaration of written result December 2021The result of the written exam is declared on the official website in PDF form
SSB Interview January 2022 to April 2022SSB Interview is conducted in two stages
#1 Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

NDA vacancies 2021 – #1 Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

The details regarding NDA 1 vacancies have been announced along with the notification. A total of 400 vacancies have been announced for NDA (II) exam. For NDA (I) 2021 exam, a total of 400 vacancies were announced. The vacancies announced for NDA (I) and (II) are the same. The vacancy break-up of NDA (I) and NDA (II) 2021 exams are given below:

NDA (I) & (II) Vacancies 2021 – #1 Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

Academy Number of vacancies 
NDA 370
Army: 208
Navy: 42
Air Force: 120
(including 28 for ground Duties) 
Naval Academy (10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme) 30
Total 400
#1 Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

NDA Selection Process 2021 – #1 Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

The complete process of NDA is explained below.

Filling out the application form 

Interested candidates are required to fill NDA application form online. The application fee is Rs 100 which can be paid both online and offline. The commission releases the list of rejected applicants a few days after the closure of the application process. Besides, the examination authority also activates the link to withdraw the NDA application form for a specified period. Candidates who do not wish to appear for the exam can withdraw their application form. 

Release of admit card 

NDA admit card is released three weeks before the exam. The link to download the admit card will be available on the official website. Candidates can download the admit card by logging in either with the roll number or registration number. The hard copy of the admit card is not sent to candidates by post.

Written Exam

All the candidates who successfully register for the exam are required to appear for the written exam. The written exam comprises two sections: Mathematics and General Ability Test. The test carries a total of 900 marks. Candidates who obtain the minimum qualifying marks in the written exam are called for SSB Interview.

Declaration of result

NDA result is declared online in two stages: written and final. First, the result of the written exam is declared followed by the declaration of the final result. The result is made available in PDF format. It displays the roll numbers of qualified candidates. The mark sheet of candidates is released after the declaration of the final result. Candidates need to secure NDA cut-off separately in the written exams and SSB interviews.

SSB Interview

The SSB Interview is conducted for Intelligence and Personality Test. The test is conducted in two stages. All qualified candidates are put to stage 1 test on the first day of reporting at Selection Centres/Air Force Selection Boards/Naval Selection Boards. Candidates qualifying for the first stage are called for the second stage exam. Those who will qualify for the second stage are required to submit a birth certificate and pass certificate. 

Final Selection 

Candidates are finally selected for admission to admission to Army, Navy, and Air Force wings of NDA and INAC based on their performance in the written exam and SSB Interview. The final allocation will be done as per the number of vacancies subjected to candidates’ eligibility, medical fitness, and merit-cum-preference. 

Release of Answer Key 

NDA Answer Key for both Mathematics and General Ability Test (GAT) is released after the completion of the recruitment process. The answer keys are made available for sets of test booklets. 

NDA 2021 Exam Centres – #1 Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

NDA exam centers are the cities where the offline test will be conducted. Candidates need to appear for the exam in the exam center allotted to them by the examination authority. While filling out the application form, candidates need to enter their preferences for the exam city. UPSC allows exam centers to candidates as per the preferences exercised by them in the application form. However, the Commission reserves the right to cancel or add exam centers.

NDA 2021 Exam Day Guidelines 

  • Candidates should carry their NDA admit card to the exam center 
  • Along with the admit card, candidates should also carry one photo identity proof 
  • Carry a clipboard or hardboard and a black ball pen for marking their responses
  • A sheet for doing rough work is provided by the invigilator 
  • Books, notes, loose sheets, electronic or any other type of calculators, mathematical and drawing instruments, log tables, stencils of maps, slide rules, test booklets, and rough sheets are not allowed inside the examination center
  • Strict action is taken against those candidates found copying or cheating 

NDA Preparation Tips by Toppers

Candidates can click below the links to check the interviews given by NDA toppers to Shiksha on how to prepare for the exam. 

NDA Preparation Tips 2021 – #1 Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

Candidates can prepare for the NDA exam by following the tips given below

  • To begin with, candidates must be clear about the subjects, patterns, and types of questions
  • The Mathematics section of NDA comprises questions from Algebra, matrices, trigonometry, calculus, statistics, etc. Candidates must clear their concepts from Class 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 NCERT books
  • The GAT comprises a variety of subjects such as Chemistry, General Science, Geography, History, and Current Affairs. This section also comprises a section on English
  • Candidates must revise the topics they have studied
  • Make short and simple notes as it will help candidates to revise properly and quickly
  • Solve previous years’ NDA question papers and take an NDA mock test
  • Buy good NDA books and question banks

NDA 2021 Exam Analysis

The overall difficulty level of the Mathematics paper of NDA (I) was easy compared to last year. Maximum questions were asked from Trigonometry, Algebra, Arithmetic Progression and Geometric Progression, Matrics, circles, Determinants, etc. The difficulty level of the GAT paper was easy. Questions in this paper were asked from English, Current affairs, History, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc. Watch the video below on NDA 2021 exam analysis by students.

NDA 2021 FAQs 

Q: When UPSC NDA (II) 2021 exam will be conducted?

A: UPSC NDA (II) 2021 exam has been postponed to November 14. Earlier, it was scheduled to be conducted on September 5. #1 Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

Q. When NDA (I) 2021 exam was conducted? What was the difficulty level of the NDA (I) 2021 exam?

A. NDA (I) 2021 was conducted on April 18. The difficulty level of the NDA (I) 2021 Mathematics paper was easy while GAT was moderate. #1 Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

Q. Can a married candidate apply for the NDA exam?

A. No, only unmarried male candidates are eligible to apply for the NDA exam.

Q. Can girls apply for the NDA exam?

A. No, girls are not eligible to apply for the NDA exam. 

Q. What is the difference between NDA and CDS exams?

A. Though both are defense exams, there are many similarities and differences in the recruitment process, exam pattern, training, salary, perks, promotion, eligibility, etc.

Q. What are the subjects for the NDA exam?

A. NDA exam comprises questions from two subjects: Mathematics and GAT (English and General Knowledge). #1 Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

Q. What are the minimum qualifying marks in Class 12 for applying to the NDA exam?

A. There are no minimum qualifying marks in Class 12 for applying to the NDA exam. 

Q. What is the eligibility for the NDA exam?

A. For NDA, candidates should be between 16 to 19 years. They must have passed the Class 12 or equivalent exam from a recognized board.

Q. Is Mathematics necessary for the NDA exam?

A. Yes, Mathematics in Class 12 is necessary for candidates who apply for NDA Air Force and Navy courses. #1 Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

What are the minimum qualifying marks in Class 12 for applying to the NDA exam?

A. The level of both papers: Maths and GAT in NDA remain moderate in terms of difficulty level.

Q. Is NCERT enough for NDA?

A. Mostly the questions in NDA are based on the syllabus of CBSE, therefore, it is advisable to prepare from NCERT books of Class 10, 11, and 12.

Q. Can I clear the NDA exam by preparing for six months?

A. Yes, you can crack the exam with six months of preparation. But, you need to prepare well with utmost dedication.

Q. Can I clear the NDA exam on the first attempt?

A. Yes, you can clear the NDA exam in the first attempt with a good preparation strategy.

Q. What is the salary during training after selection through NDA?

A. During the training period, candidates selected through the NDA exam are offered Rs 56,100

#1 Best CDS Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

A career in CDS (Combined Defence Services) – Eligibility, Syllabus & Exam Pattern

If you were not able to qualify for NDA after 10+2 then there is another option to join our defense forces.

CDS or Combined Defence Services is the option that we will be talking about in this article.

We start off with what CDS is and future prospects in CDS.

Then we discuss the pay and perks of various ranks in CDS. We also look at the eligibility criteria and the entire selection process.

We move on to the number of vacancies available and the cut-off marks.

Finally, we discuss the benefits of a career in CDS and how you can apply.

Combined Defence Services
#1 Best CDS Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

So let us start.

What is CDS Combined Defence Service?

Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow: CDS or Combined defense services exam is conducted by UPSC twice a year. CDS is just like NDA & the only difference is CDS is for graduates and NDA is for 10+2.

Selected candidates are admitted to various branches of armed forces like

  • Indian Military Academy
  • Officers Training Academy
  • Indian Naval Academy
  • Indian Air Force Academy

The entire process of selection involves two rounds one is a written exam and another is the interview.

Well, shall talk about the selection process in great detail in the coming paragraphs.

Basically, if you failed at NDA after 10+2 then you can go for CDS after you complete graduation.

A Career in CDS

Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow: A career in the armed forces could be very exciting. Many of them join because they really want to serve their country and others join just for a job.

Whatever the reason be fact is a lot of candidates apply for CDS each year. In 2016 around 3 million candidates across India are expected to appear for the CDS written exam.

If you are selected in one of the branches of the armed forces then you are set for the rest of your life.

Apart from getting pay, perks, and pension you also get many benefits that are missing in a private job.

Your job can be challenging depending upon which type of armed force you join.

Your job can be very tough and disciplined so you have to prepare yourself for it.

However, if you are not ready for a challenging lifestyle then it is advised that you do not go for CDS.

CDS: Pay and Perks

What attracts young students to CDS?

Well, the answer is pay and perks. Hence in this paragraph, we shall look at the pay scale of different ranks in great detail.

Defense Officers Pay Scale
Officer’s RankPay Scale
Lt. to MajorRs 15,600 – Rs 39,100
Lt. Col. To Maj Gen.Rs 34,400 – Rs 67,000
Lt. Gen. HAG ScaleRs 67,000 – Rs 79,000
HAG ScaleRs 75,500 – Rs 80,000
VCOAS/Lt.GenRs 80,000
COASRs 90,000
#1 Best CDS Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group
Defense Officers Grade Pay
Officer’s RankPay Scale
LieutenantRs 5400
CaptainRs 6100
MajorRs 6600
LieutenantRs 8000
ColonelRs 8700
BrigadierRs 8900
Major GeneralRs 10,000
#1 Best CDS Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

Aside from PayScale and grade pay, there are other perks an officer gets.

  • Dearness Allowance
  • Maintenance Allowance
  • Uniform Allowance
  • Transport Allowance
  • Even Children’s Education Allowance
  • High Altitude Allowance
  • Last but not the least free rations

Even if this is not enough for you then officers also have a retirement pension plan.

CDS: Eligibility and Educational Qualification

For being eligible for different branches of CDS you need to meet certain requirements for education, age, sex, and marital status.

Indian Military Academy

The unmarried male who is born not earlier than 2nd July 1992 and not later than 1st July 1997 for the CDS 2016.

An unmarried male who is born not earlier than 2nd July 1993 and not later than 1st July 1998.

Air Force Academy

An unmarried male who is born not earlier than 2nd July 1993 and not later than 1st July 1997 for the CDS 2016.

For candidates holding certificates issued by DGCA, there is an age relaxation of up to 26 years.

Officer’s Training Academy

An unmarried male who is born not earlier than 2nd July 1992 and not later than 1st July 1998.

Officer’s Training Academy Women

An unmarried female who is born not earlier than 2nd July 1992 and not later than 1st July 1998.

Educational Qualification

  • Indian Military Academy: A degree from a recognized university.
  • Naval Academy: A degree from a recognized university with physics and mathematics.
  • Air Force Academy: A degree from a recognized university with physics and mathematics.

CDS Selection Procedure

The entire CDS selection process consists of two steps. The first one is a written exam and the second is the interview round.

Candidates who pass the written exam are eligible for the interview conducted by the service selection center or SSC.

So let us see the entire process in great detail.

CDS: Written Exam Pattern – Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow

Indian Military Academy, Air Force Academy, and Naval Academy

It includes three papers of 100 marks each

  1. English – 100 marks
  2. General Knowledge – 100 Marks
  3. Elementary Mathematics – 100 Marks

Total = 300 Marks

SubjectNo. of QuestionsMarksTiming
English1201002 Hours
General Knowledge1201002 Hours
Elementary Maths1001002 Hours
Total3403002 Hours
#1 Best CDS Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

Officers Training Academy

  1. English – 100 Marks
  2. General Knowledge – 100 Marks

So there is no mathematics.

The most important paper in mathematics where you have to answer 100 questions in just 120 minutes. So prepare enough before entering the examination hall.

CDS: Interview Round

Once you are through with the written exam you have to go for an interview round. The interview round is conducted in two stages, Stage I and Stage II.

Stage 1

Stage 1 of the interview is called Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) where they test you for picture perception.

You will be tested for picture perceptions where you have to observe a picture and answer various questions related to the picture you have just seen.

If you clear Stage 1 then you go for Stage 2

Stage 2

Stage 2 interview is held over 4 days and it is very grueling. Here they take an interview, group testing officer tasks, psychology tests, and conferences.

If you clear all of them then you are selected.

Every candidate will be tested by three different people Interviewing officer, a group testing officer, and a psychologist.

So this is the entire process of CDS from the written exam to the interview.

CDS: Exam Syllabus

Here is the exam syllabus for the written exams and interviews.


Here you will be tested for vocabulary as well as grammar. You have to prepare yourself by learning various words and going through English grammar.

General Knowledge

General knowledge would be a vast subject and you have to know many things like current affairs, the history of India, geography, etc.

You must read the newspaper daily to stay abreast of all the news. However, the exam will test just the basics of a given field and not get into details.

Elementary Mathematics

Elementary mathematics is the most important subject. Here it will include everything that you learned in 10, 11, and 10+2.

Arithmetic, unitary method, number theory, algebra, trigonometry, geometry, theorems, mensuration, statistics, etc.

Practice and prepare beforehand for the exam.

Interview – Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow

For stage, you have to see pictures and answer questions related to it and for stage 2 you have to have a developed personality because you will be tested for various things like intelligence, analytical skills, presence of mind, teamwork, etc.

CDS: Number of Vacancies and Cut-Off Marks

CDS is getting tougher year by year. Hence if you are applying for it then you need to know the reality that how many candidates are applying for a fixed number of vacancies.

YearNo. of ApplicationsNo. of Candidates Appeared
#1 Best CDS Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

Vacancy Table

Armed Force UnitNumber of Vacancies Available
Indian Military Academy160+
Indian Navy Academy50+
Air Force Academy38+
Officers Training Academy206+
#1 Best CDS Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

Therefore you can imagine how tough the competition is because just for over 400 seats around half a million candidates will apply this year.

Cut Off Marks

AcademyWritten ExamFinal Exam
Indian Military Academy102225
Indian Naval Academy99225
Air Force Academy129264
Officers Training Academy86168
#1 Best CDS Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

Cut Off marks is around 20% for each subject.

Benefits of a Career in CDS

Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow: Although we debated the pay and perk that you get after joining an academy very early in this article we need to look at other benefits also.

1. You are covered for almost everything like all types of allowances, education for children, medical, rationing, etc.

2. There is a full retirement pension plan which will cover you for the rest of your life.

3. The most important part is the respect that you get from society because you are serving the country at the highest level.

4. You can also find a great job after you retire because of your background in the defense force.

How to Apply

Finally, we conclude this article by giving you information on how you can apply for CDS and some important dates to note.

You can apply online by filling out an application form with all the necessary details and submitting there.

For a general candidate, the cost of the application is Rs 200.

The commencement of applying online starts in July of a given year and ends in August.

You will get the admit card in the second week of September. The date of the exam is in October and the results will be declared in December.

Fill out your registration form in two parts and note the registration ID and password because you will use them to download your admit card.

It is recommended that you download your admit card at least 3 weeks before the examination form.

#1 Best SSB Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

What is SSB?

SSB stands for Sashastra Seema Bal. The SSB is a border patrol organization of India deployed along its border with Nepal and Bhutan. It’s under the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India.

What is the qualification for SSB Constable Jobs?

Eligible Indian Citizens apply online for SSB Constable Recruitment 2020.

Minimum Educational Qualification: Matriculation / 10th class pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized board.

What is the selection process of  SSB Constable Recruitment?

The SSB Recruitment of constable posts selection will be made through the following steps:-

  • Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
  • Physical Standard Test (PST)
  • Written Examination (Common Entrance Test)
  • Documentation
  • Skill Test

How to Contact SSB Recruitment Help Desk?

For any queries contact customer support at 07081011964

SSB Constable Recruitment 2020-21: Directorate General, Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), New Delhi invites online applications for recruitment of Assistant Commandant (Communication) to fill up 12 vacancies. Apply within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News dated 28th November 2020 Issue.

Name of PostNo of Vacancies
Assistant Commandant (Communication)12
#1 Best SSB Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

Age Limit: Not exceeding 35 years. Age relaxation as per Govt. rules.

Educational Qualifications:

  • Degree in Telecommunication Engineering or Electrical Communication Engineering or Electronics. (OR)
  • Institute or Associate Member of the Institution of Electronics and Tele-communication Engineer or Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers or equivalent or M.Sc in Electronics or Telecommunication or Information Technology or Computer Science or equivalent from a recognized
  • University or All India Council for Technical Education approved Institution.
  • Desirable: Possession of NCC-“B” or “C” Certificate.

Examination Fee:

  • Rs. 500/- only through net banking/ credit card/ debit card which will be non-refundable.
  • However, SC, ST, Ex-Servicemen, and female candidates are exempted from payment of examination fees.

How to Apply: Eligible Interested candidates should apply online only

Serving the nation with a sense of patriotism, and an openness to sacrifice, without concern for oneself is not an easy task. As a naval officer, you spend months away from your family, spend days and months in the open seas, and are constantly putting your country before anything else. A career in the defense, as the famous ad keeps reminding us, separates the men from the boys. It is a career path that teaches you duty and commitment, and if you possess an adventurous soul, enjoy the expansive blue waters, and put your country above everything else, then this is the right career for you.

A career in the Indian Navy will allow you to explore the world and provide you with leadership opportunities. The Navy consists of many different fields to choose from. This includes Executive, Engineering, Electrical, Education, and Medical. Recruitment advertisements for officers’ recruitment can be found in Employment News and all important national and regional dailies. 

A written examination conducted by UPSC determines Selection for Permanent Commission through NDA/NA cadet and CDSE (Graduate). This is followed by an interview with the Service Selection Board (SSB). For all other Permanent Commission entries and Short Service Commission entries, there is no written examination. Instead, the shortlist of applicants is created as per the criteria laid down by the Naval Headquarters, (Directorate of Manpower Planning & Recruitment). 

#1 Best NAVY Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

Age – 

10+2 graduates aged 16.5 – 19 years (inclusive).

Nationality –

An applicant for the post of Officer in the Electrical wing/Marine Engineering/ Architect after 10+2 [(Tech) Cadet Entry] should be a resident Indian. Some friendly countries that send their nationals for this training are also selected but the concerned Countries have to take permission from the Government of India or

  1. a subject of Bhutan, or
  2. a subject of Nepal, or
  3. a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st of January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or
  4. a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, the East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, and Ethiopia, and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.

Candidates belonging to categories (1), (2), (3), and (4) above must possess a certificate of eligibility, issued by the Government of India. A certificate of eligibility is not, however, necessary in the case of candidates who are Gorkha nationals of Nepal.

Marital Status –

Unmarried male (Tech Cadet).

1st Condition –

An applicant for the post of Officer in the Electrical/ Marine Engineering /Architect after 10+2 [(Tech) Cadet Entry] should have passed Class 12th or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics with an aggregate of at least 75% in PCM and 50% marks in English either in 10th or 10+2 from a recognized board of school education.

2nd Condition –

Minimum qualification marks required for applying for the post of Naval Officer (Electrical Branch)/ Marine Engineering/Architect, Indian Navy may change from time to time and the same would be promulgated in the advertisement in leading Newspapers and on this website as and when required.
Alternatively, interested candidates may contact us at the following address.

Directorate of Manpower Planning and Recruitment (DMPR)

The candidate applying for the post of Naval Officer Electrical Branch/Marine Engineering/Architect should have a minimum height of 157 cm with a proportionate body weight depending on the age and height of the candidate. The prospective sailor(Artificer Apprentice) should also have a proportionate chest with a minimum expansion capability of 05 cm.

Other physical requirements include:

  • good physical and mental health
  • disease, deformity, and disability-free
  • a color perception standard of CPII
  • Eyes Visual standard under particular prescribed standards with and without glasses

The candidate applying for the post of Naval Officer Electrical Branch/Marine Engineering/Architect must make sure that his eyesight follows the following parameters.

Without Glasses, the better eye should be 6/12 and the worst eye should be 6/12, while with Glasses the better eye should be 6/9 while the worst eye should be 6/12.

The course commences in the month of August. Details of the course and advertisements start appearing in employment news and leading newspapers in the month of May/June.

Shortlisted candidates are called for SSB interviews (5 days excluding the day of arrival) at Bhopal, Bangalore, or Allahabad.

The 4 ½ years of training includes basic training of 6 months at IMA, Dehradun followed by Stage I of 2 ½ years at the College of Military Engineering, Pune.

Stage II of 1 year at one of the following Colleges viz., College of Military Engineering, Pune / Military College of Electrical & Mechanical Engineers at Secunderabad/ Military College of Telecommunication Engineering, Mhow depending upon the arms/services allotted.

Stage III of 6 months in any of the institutions given above.

On successful completion of the course, the candidate is awarded the Degree of Engineering. On the completion of 3 years of the course, the candidates are given a stipend of Rs. 8000 per month and after the completion of the 4th year, they are given the rank of Lt.

The other way is that they are called at the Naval Engineering College, Lonavala and after the completion of the course, they are awarded the degree from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

The Pay Scale for a Navy Officer at the early stage starts from a package of 3-4LPA and in the mid-level goes to 4-5LPA before getting stagnant at 8-9LPA for a senior officer.

#1 Best AFCAT Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

AFCAT Salary 2021 – The salary of an Air Force officer after the 7th pay commission is mentioned on the official website. The benefit related to the pay scale of AFCAT starts with the beginning of the training period itself. The pay scale of candidates joining through the AFCAT exam is Rs 56,100.

AFCAT is conducted to recruit eligible candidates (both men and women) to be part of the Indian Air Force. Candidates through the AFCAT exam are selected for the post of Group A Gazetted Officers in Flying and Ground Duty (Technical and Non-Technical) branches. Further information on the AFCAT exam is available on the link provided here.

This article will discuss in detail the AFCAT Salary, and benefits to candidates such as Allowances, Perks, Promotions, etc. who join Indian Air Forces on clearing the AFCAT exam. Aspirants of other Government exams can get the relevant information about other upcoming exams on the given link. 

AFCAT Salary

Applicants appearing for AFCAT 1 2021 exam scheduled to be conducted in February 2021 must be willing to know the detailed pay scale, allowances, perks, and in-hand salary of Air Force officers upon clearing the AFCAT examination. Hence the table below highlights the salary of AFCAT for the trainee level for all branches. 

AFCAT Training Stipend 

Stipend for AFCAT Training in the Air Force is as mentioned below:

Training Stipend – AFCATStipend Amount
Stipend to men and women during the entire duration of training at any of the Air Force Training InstitutionsRs 56,100/ per month (Starting pay in Level 10)
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On successful completion of the training, the salary of AFCAT candidates in the pay matrix of the officer commissioned will be fixed in the first cell of Level 10.

Aspiring to appear for the AFCAT exam? Leave No stone unturned for your preparation! Check the links for assistance- 
Static GK
Daily Current Affairs
AFCAT Syllabus
English For Competitive Exams
100 Difference
Between Articles for Revision
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AFCAT Salary Structure

On grant of Commission to Flying Officer, the following pay and allowances are applicable – 

AFCAT Salary Structure
RankFlying Officer
Level 10 
Pay as per 7th CPC pay matrixRs 56,100 – 1,77,500
Military Service PayRs 15,500 Per Month
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Apart from the mentioned AFCAT salary, the officers are also entitled to other allowances such as Transport Allowance, Children Education Allowance, HRA, etc. which are discussed further in the article. 

AFCAT Salary – In-hand Pay & Annual Package

The salary in the Air Force is different for officers in different branches. 

The table below mentions the branch-wise pay scale of Air Force officers-.

IAF BranchIAF Salary
Flying BranchRs 85,372
Ground Duty Technical BranchRs 74,872
Ground Duty Non-Technical BranchRs 71,872
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Aspirants can go through the AFCAT Notification for further details on the Air Force Common Admission Test. 

The annual salary package given to IAF Officers of different branches is as follows:

IAF BranchesAnnual Salary Package
Ground Duty (Technical)Rs 7-9 lakhs
Ground Duty (Non-Technical)Rs 7-9 lakhs
Flying BranchRs 8-10 lakhs
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Aspirants applying for various government exams can check the linked article for post-wise salary structure for examination.

AFCAT – Allowances to Air Force Officers

In addition to the entitled salary, Air Force officers are admissible to various allowances as well. The allowances that IAF officers are entitled to are Flying Allowance to Flying Branch Officers, and Technical Allowance to Technical Branch Officers. 

The allowances are admissible based on the place of posting, and nature of duty. It includes Test Pilot & Flight Test Engineer, Field Area Allowance, Special Force, Siachen, Special Compensatory (Hill area), Island Special Duty, Area, and Remote Locality Allowance.

AFCAT – Privileges to Air Force officers

Apart from the salary and allowances, the IAF officers are also admissible to perks and privileges. The AFCAT perks and privileges are –

  • Furnished accommodation
  • Comprehensive medical cover for self and dependents, 
  • Loans at subsidized rates,
  • Canteen, Officers’ Mess, 
  • Leave Travel Concession. Officers in the Air Force are entitled to leave (60 days annual and 20 days Casual) subject to service exigencies.
  • Insurance cover of Rs 1 crore is applicable to serving officers. An additional cover of Rs 12 Lakh (on contribution) is applicable to Flying Branch Officers.

AFCAT – Promotion to Air Force Officers

IAF promotions are based on performance and years of service.  The levels of Promotion given to Flying Officers are as follows:

AFCAT Promotions
IAF PostsIAF Levels
Flying OfficerJunior Level
Flying LieutenantJunior Level
Squadron LeaderWing CommanderGroup CaptainExecutive Level
Air ComradeAir Vice-MarshalAir MarshalDirector Level
Air Chief MarshalChief
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AFCAT Career Growth of IAF Officers – important pointers

  1. Promotions for AFCAT are applicable to the first three ranks on the basis of the timeline. 
  2. On completion of training in flight, cadet candidates are commissioned as Flying officers.
  3. On completing 3 years of service, the flying officers are promoted to Flying Lieutenant on passing the department test.
  4. On completing 6 years of Service, candidates will be promoted to the rank of Squadron Leader
  5. Promotions for other posts are done based on the job and according to the vacancies in the positions. 
  6. Technical officers who are engineers are given the seniority of 2 years for the purpose of promotion and pay which will be compared to the Indian Air Force officers.
  7. It is mandatory for all officers to attend the C examination which consists of General Knowledge and post concerning topics for Departmental promotion and to seek promotion in ranks.

Best Air Force X Group Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

Air Force Group X Salary and Job Profile 2021

Indian Air Force Group X Jobs in India are the big dream of many candidates. Apart from respectable rank, and a good job profile, Air Force Group X salary is one of the leading reasons why lakhs of candidates apply for the vacant positions. Air Force Group X vacancies are published to hire potential candidates to fulfill its various vacancies for Group ‘X’ Trades (Except Education Instructor Trade) for posts like Automobile Fitter, Structure Fitter, etc.

  • Once the candidates apply and qualify for the selection process rounds, they are subjected to training and get a fair monthly stipend.
  • Once the training is over they start getting a monthly salary that ranges between 4 lakhs per annum to 5 lakhs per annum.
  • Apart from the salary, various allowances like dearness allowance, etc., are also applicable to the employees.
  • After acknowledging the salary part you must be curious to know about Air Force Group X’s Job Profile.
  • If we talk about Air Force X Group job profile then X Group is a Technical group given to Jawans performing the duties of Signal Operators or Radio Operators. The Air Force also offers timely promotions and salary hikes to its dedicated and hard-working employees.

Read this article to get all your doubts clear about Air Force Group X Salary, Job Profile, Air Force Career growth promotion, etc.

Air Force Group X Salary 2021

With the higher ranks, the salary of the Airmen also goes higher. Here are the complete details of the in-hand salary (Rank-wise) of the Air Force Group X employees. Before we get into the salary part, candidates must also know about the stipend details. Candidates undergo a training process before the formal selection, during the training process candidates are awarded a monthly stipend. The Stipend ranges between Rupees 14,100 to 16,200 per month.

Once getting selected for the desired rank the recruit will be awarded a Monthly salary. The monthly salary of Air Force Group X Employees is higher than the stipend. Employees are awarded a monthly salary of Rupees 33,100. The salary is per the 7th Pay Commission. In subsequent years of service, the salary may rise as per the career progression of the individual. Candidates must read the detailed salary bifurcation mentioned in the table below.

Air Force Group X Salary (Rupees)
Pay Level Pay matrix-3 (Rs. 21,700 to Rs. 57,500)
Basic payRs. 21,700
Military Service Pay Rs. 5200
Technical Qualification PayRs. 6200
Total Air Force Group Y salary (Basic)Rs. 33,100 
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If you are reading the Airforce Group X Salary, also check the Indian Air Force Group C Salary details here!

Air Force Group X Job Profile 2021

Based on the candidate’s performance in the Joint Basic Phase Training (JBPT) at Basic Training Institute, Belgaum. Board allocates specific trades to successful candidates. Basic combatant training is imparted to all qualified candidates, which incorporates basic discipline and manners, educational training, weapon training, etc.

After successful completion of basic training, recruits will be trained in specific trades as mentioned below. PT, Parade, and games are an integral part of the training and service life. In the succeeding paragraphs, you will get an idea of the nature of the job an airman is expected to perform in different trades. 

Automobile Fitter

In this trade, employees are responsible for the maintenance and repair of all types of light and heavy-duty mechanical vehicles which include cranes and loading equipment, etc.

Electronics Fitter

The Electronics Fitter operates and maintains Radar, Voice, Data transmission, and reception equipment mounted on the latest airborne weapon delivery systems. Candidates also maintain ground-based air defense systems. Employees get trained in Digital Electronics, measuring instruments, radar technology, the latest electronic devices, and related trade fundamentals.

Electrical Fitter

The Electrical Fitter maintains the power supply system of the latest types of airborne missiles, associated ground systems, and aircraft. Candidates are also responsible also maintain photo equipment mounted on airborne weapon systems and operating ground-based photosystems. The employees also get trained in the electrical trade, operation, and maintenance of digital devices, electronic devices, etc.

Mechanical System Fitter

The Mechanical System Fitter job profile incorporates many responsibilities like repair like maintenance of mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic systems of airborne missiles, engines, automobiles, and aircraft fuelling equipment. The recruit also takes care of Complete aircraft ground support equipment that will also be repaired and maintained by you. Candidates will be trained in handling and preparation of bombs and explosives and the electrical system, various workshops, and mechanical trades as well as automobile mechanics.

Know how to check and download the Air Force Group X admit card here.

Structures Fitter

As Structure Fitter, you will be responsible for the maintenance and servicing of airframes and their accessories, components, and controls of aircraft. Employees do regular checks for the entire hydraulic and pneumatic system to ensure proper functioning against leaks is also part of your duties. Employees will be assigned the responsibility of marshaling, picketing, and ground handling of aircraft.

Propulsion Fitter

In this trade, Propulsion Fitter is equipped with many responsibilities which include repair, maintenance, and preparation for use of the propulsion system of aircraft and other airborne weapon delivery systems.

Workshop Fitter(Smith)

In this trade, candidates are responsible to undertake major structural repairs of all aircraft at central repair facilities. They are trained in workshop trade for material treatment, welding, heat treatment, smithy, basic machine tools, etc.

Workshop Fitter (Mechanical)

Employees undertake repair and maintenance work of mechanical nature in this job profile. You will be trained in workshop trade and practices.

Weapon Fitter

In this trade, candidates will prepare, maintain, and service armaments, ammunition, and safety equipment of aircraft, and missiles. Candidates operate and maintain small arms and bomb destruction equipment. They are trained to handle bombs, explosives, arms, and their installation on weapon delivery platforms.

Education Instructor

As an Education Instructor, the employee will run a training program at instructional schools and improve the education level of Air Force Personnel.

Allowance and Benefits to Airmen Group X Employees

Allowance, perks, and benefits are something that lures every aspirant. In the case of an Airforce job, the air force offers good perks and allowances in addition to the salary to all employees. The perks and allowances vary from post to post. Some of the benefits are listed below

  • Medical facilities 
  • Leave Travel Concession for self and family
  • Education loan
  • Interest-free loan for house repair or marriage of sister/daughter
  •  Children’s Scholarship
  • Grants for natural calamities, like a wheelchair, etc.
  • Pensions including service, invalidity, disability, war injury, etc.
  • Group Insurance covers disability and death.
  • Composite Personal Maintenance Allowance
  • High Altitude Allowance.
  • Field Area/Modified Field Area Allowance etc.
  • City Compensatory Allowance.
  • Transport Allowance.
  • Accommodation.
  • Rations.

Promotion Prospects of Airforce Group X Employees

With time and expertise, Group X Airmen employees get to higher ranks during their stay in the Air Force. The boards offer the opportunity to eligible Airmen to apply for selection as an Officer in the Flying Branch within the age group of 19 to 20 years. The following are protocols used by Airmen for growth and promotion.

(a) Annual Appraisal Report (AAR /AR/ACR): In Airforce Group X Trade jobs the basis for promotion is the ‘Annual Appraisal Report (AAR)’ raised every year by the Superior Officer under whom the Airmen work. It applies to all ranks.

(b) Promotion Exams: Apart from AAR, Airmen are required to clear promotion exams for their next promotion conducted by the authority. These exams are held to ensure that Airmen have sound knowledge of Air Force law, service writing, administration, and military history apart from professional knowledge.

(c) Minimum service: The next important element is the ‘minimum service’ in a given rank. This is a necessary factor requirement for a promotion. In the table below you will find the minimum length of service required for the next promotion.

RankMinimum Length of Service
Leading Aircraftman to Corporal5 Years
Corporal to Sergeant13 Years 6 months
Sergeant to Junior Warrant Officer17 Years
Junior Warrant Officer to Warrant Officer23 Years
Warrant Officer to Master Warrant Officer28 Years
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Get to know in-depth details on Air Force Group X Eligibility Criteria here.

Promotion in Airforce Group X Employees

Below we have listed the growth and promotion of Airforce Group X Employees. The promotion and growth are dependent on the rank and post you are hired for. Read the points below to know detailed information about it

Promotion in Airforce Group X Employees
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Hope you have liked the information about the Air Force Group X Salary & Job Profile 2021 article, let us know your views & queries in the comment section. Click on our Testbook Application for availing of comprehensive courses, pdf notes, free tests, and more.

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Best Air Force Y Group Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

Air Force Group Y Salary and Job Profile 2021

Airmen in the Air Force Group Y receive a pretty good salary along with various benefits during their service. The Airmen recruited by the IAF are subjected to training during which they receive a stipend of Rs. 14,600. After the training is completed, the Airmen receive a basic salary of Rs. 26,900 per month. Along with this salary, Airmen also receive Dearness Allowance which totals the monthly salary up to Rs. 40,000 – Rs. 45,000. There are other allowances as well to which the Airmen in the Air Force Group Y are entitled. Furthermore, the Airmen also have lots of growth opportunities in his/her IAF career.

The promotion in the Air Force Group Y is decided on the Annual Appraisal Report, Promotion Exams, and Minimum Service. Get all the information on Air Force Group Y Salary 2021 in this article. 

Salary Structure of Air Force Group Y

The salary of Air Force Group Y is governed by the 7th Commission Pay. The employees in Group X and Y are commonly known as Person Below Officer Rank (PBOR) or Airmen. The Air Force has various posts for Non-Technical Trades such as Accounts Assistant, Administrative Assistant, IAF Police & Security, Logistics Assistant, Cryptographer, Environmental Support Services Assistant, Medical Assistant, Ground Training Instructor, Meteorological Assistant, Musician, and Operation Assistant. All these posts are grouped in the IAF Group Y. Here is the salary structure for these posts. 

Air Force Group Y Salary 
Pay Level Pay matrix-3 (Rs. 21,700 to Rs. 57,500)
Basic payRs. 21,700 
Military Service Pay Rs. 5200
Technical Qualification PayRs. 6200
Total Air Force Group Y salary (Basic)Rs. 26,900
Best Air Force Y Group Coaching in Lucknow India| NDA | CDS | SSB | NAVY | AFCAT | AIR-FORCE | X-Y-Group

To get detailed Air Force Group Y Books, candidates can visit the linked article.

Air Force Group Y Perks and Additional Benefits

Now that you have understood the structure of the airforce Y group salary, let’s give you the details for the benefits added on top of the salary. Airmen receive certain benefits while serving the Air Force Group Y such as – 

  • City Compensatory Allowance
  • Transport Allowance
  • Accommodation
  • Rations
  • Medical facilities for self and dependents
  • Leave Travel Concession for self and family
  • Loans for education
  • Group Insurance covering disability and death
  • Pensions include service, invalidity, disability, war injury, etc.
  • Interest-free loan for house repair 
  • Interest-free loan for the marriage of sister/daughter
  • Scholarships (children)
  • Grants for natural calamities.
  • Composite Personal Maintenance Allowance
  • High Altitude Allowance
  • Field Area/Modified Field Area Allowance etc.

In-Hand Salary for Group Y

As discussed earlier, the Airmen receive a basic salary of Rs. 26,900 per month. However, Dearness allowances are also given for each month along with the basic salary. The culmination of basic salary and dearness allowance becomes the monthly in-hand salary of the Air Force Group Y employees. The Air Force Group Y in-hand salary is Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 45,000 per month. 

For details on the Air Force Group Y Admit Card, refer to the linked article. 

Salary Slip for Air Force Group Y

After every payment cycle, the Airmen receive the salary slip of his/her previous month’s salary. This salary slip document contains all the details of the previous month’s deductions and allowances for each officer in Group Y. There are other applications for the Air Force Group Y salary slip as well. You can use it to avail of loans and also use it while filling out your annual Income Tax form.

Probation Period

Airmen in the Air Force Group Y are given basic training for a period of 6 months at Belagavi, Karnataka. During this period, you will receive a stipend of Rs. 14,600 from the IAF. Once the training period is completed, your performance will be evaluated. If the trainee Airmen has performed satisfactorily, he/she will be appointed on a permanent basis.

For details on the Air Force Group Y Eligibility Criteria, refer to the linked article.