Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow | No1 Defence Coaching in Lucknow
The Best Foot Forward
Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow | No1 Defence Coaching in Lucknow: Three formative years at the academy instill in the cadets a sense of intense belonging, bonding, and feelings of oneness with the alma-mater. Breaking bread and training together engender the spirit of camaraderie which in turn forms the bedrock of inter-services cooperation in times to come. Herein are sown the seeds of ‘Jointmanship’, the new mantra of coordinated inter-services strategy. The cadet during his sojourn at the NDAholds many a thing close to his heart. By merging his identity with others, he gains the solace of a herd, the power of a team, and the leverage of a group. This attribute of solidarity stands him in good stead during testing times.
The Cadet’s Pledge
- I dedicate myself to the task of upholding the ideals that have gone into the making of this great institution of which I am a proud member.
- I reiterate my firm commitment to the values and virtues that form the very basis of the corps of cadets and also the Armed Forces of India.
- I promise to be fully dedicated to all aspects of my training here and also to adhere, at all times, to a code of conduct, befitting my future role as an officer and a gentleman in the service of the Nation. To that end, I shall not lie, cheat or steal and it will be my earnest endeavor to be sincere, hardworking, and scrupulously fair.
- I earnestly pray that I may not falter in the pursuit of my goal and, in moments of doubt, be guided by my illustrious predecessors whose example shall be my beacon.
The Cadet’s Commandments
The Nation
The Nation’s honor and interest come first, always and every time.”
The Services
We pledge to maintain the traditions of the three services and keep the ‘TRISHUL’ always bright and strong.
The Academy
We are proud of the Academy. We will at all times endeavor to uphold its reputation by our conduct, bearing, and manner both within and outside the campus.
The Corps of Cadets
We are a family. We are loyal to each other. We act as one man.
We will always follow the harder right rather than the easier wrong.
We will obey all orders at once. We will never leave a task unless permitted to do so by a superior.
We will make punctuality our second nature.
We will work without any supervision. Supervision is unnecessary when duty is performed conscientiously.
Work and Play
We will work hard and play hard. We will keep ourselves physically fit, mentally alert, and morally upright.
As future officers of the Armed Forces, we will learn to conduct ourselves as gentlemen.
A Mother Prays
Enter my portals O glory bound ones Learn to lead I’ll make you men In my dreams the bugle sounds In my heart hope abounds Leave my portals live like men Death or glory it matters none The hour beckons honor at stake O valiant sons a mother prays Lead with vigor straight upfront Rocklike bear the enemy’s brunt I shall write your untold story I shall uphold your blazing glory Go, my sons, the earth beckons Hear my warriors the oceans call Soar my eagles the sky is your Death before defeat Death before dishonorDeath with distinction A mother prays for all your days Strive and seek victory with grace A mother prays.