NDA Syllabus
NDA Syllabus: The Indian Armed Forces Joint Services academy is called the National Defence Academy (NDA). Every year, the National Defense Academy Exam is held by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) twice a year. One of the most demanding exams in India to take admission to the Defense Forces. Both eligible males and females will be selected for NDA on the basis of the written exam and personality test.
NDA Syllabus is released by UPSC along with the notification PDF on its official website which will be released on December 21, 2022. According to the UPSC Calendar 2023, the NDA Exam 2023 will be conducted offline on April 16, 2023, and the NDA 2 2023 Exam will take place on September 3, 2023.

NDA Syllabus PDF
Candidates can better prepare for the exam by developing a vision and action plan with the aid of a thorough understanding of the NDA Syllabus 2023. Only those who succeed in the written exam are eligible for the SSB Interview stage. The applicants will benefit from this article’s thorough explanation of the syllabus and will be one step closer to achieving their objectives. NDA 2023 Syllabus consists mainly of two papers Mathematics and General Ability Test (GAT) for the admission to Indian Defence Forces. For a detailed syllabus of NDA 1 2023 and topic-wise coverage, refer to the following article.
NDA Syllabus 2023 for Mathematics
NDA Mathematics Syllabus 2023 consists of Algebra, Matrices & Determinants, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry of Two and Three Dimensions, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus and Differential Equation, Vector Algebra, and Statistics and Probability. Mathematics is a Paper 1 having 300 maximum marks. This paper requires consistent practice and determined efforts to improve both the preparation and the results. The candidates must maintain accuracy and speed in order to respond to these questions within the allocated time and provide the required results. Follow the table given below for the NDA 1 2023 exam’s mathematics syllabus to see the full breakdown of all the individual topics.
Read More: NDA Age Limit 2023
NDA Syllabus for Mathematics (Paper 1) | |
Algebra | Set theory, set operations, and Venn diagrams.De Morgan laws, relation, and the Cartesian product of equivalence. Real numbers are represented on a line. Basic characteristics, modulus, argument, and cube roots of unity of complex numbers. Binary number system.Conversion of a number between the binary and decimal systems.Progressions in geometry, harmony, and arithmetic.Real-coefficient quadratic equations Graph-based solutions to two-variable linear equations.Combination and Permutation.The binomial theorem and its uses.Applications for logarithms. |
Matrices and Determinants | Matrix types and Matrix operationsBasic characteristics of determinants, a matrix’s determinant.Inverse and adjacent to a square matrix. Applications include the use of Cramer’s rule and the Matrix method to solve a system of linear equations with two or three unknowns. |
Trigonometry | Angles and their degrees and radians measurements. Ratios of trigonometry.Formulas for the sum and difference of trigonometric identities.Sub-multiple and Multiple angles.Trigonometric operations in inverse. Applications include height and distance as well as triangular properties. |
Analytical Geometry of two and three Dimensions | Cartesian coordinates with a rectangular shape.Distance calculation. Many variations of a line’s equation and angles between two lines.A Point’s separation from a line.Circle equation in standard and general form. Parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola are in their standard forms. A conic’s eccentricity and axis.Distance between two points at a point in three dimensions.Cosines and ratios of directions. The equation for two pointsDifferent equations involves a plane and a line. Angles between two planes and two lines.The equation for a sphere. |
Differential Calculus | Real-valued function concept, including domain, range, and function graph.Functions that are composite, one-to-one, onto, and inverse. Examples of a limit concept and standard limits.Examples and algebraic operations on continuous functions for the concept of function continuity. Applications for the geometrical and physical interpretations of a derivative of a function at a point.Derivatives of a function with respect to another function, derivatives of the sum, product, and quotient of functions, and derivatives of composite functions.Derivatives of the second order.Functions for increasing and decreasing.Application of derivatives to maxima and minima problems. |
Integral Calculus and Differential Equations | Standard integrals using algebraic expressions, and trigonometric, exponential, and hyperbolic functions include integration as the inverse of differentiation, integration by substitution, and integration by parts. Applications for evaluating definite integrals include calculating the areas of flat regions bordered by curves. Definition of a differential equation’s order and degree, as well as examples of how to construct one. Examples include the general and specific solutions to differential equations, as well as the solutions to first-order and first-degree differential equations of various forms. application in growth and decay problems. |
Vector Algebra | Vectors in two and three dimensions, including a vector’s magnitude and direction. Unit and null vectors, vector addition, vector scalar multiplication, scalar product, or dot product of two vectors are all examples of vectors. The cross product of two vectors, or vector product. Applications include the work carried out by a force and its moment, as well as geometrical problems. |
Statistics & Probability | Statistics Data classification, frequency distribution, and cumulative frequency distribution and their examples. The graphical representation includes frequency polygons, histograms, and pie charts and their examples. Mean, median, and mode constitute central tendency measures. Comparison and determination of variance and standard deviation.Correlation and regression. Probability Random experiment, events, mutually exclusive and exhaustive events, outcomes and associated sample space, impossible and certain events.Intersection and Union of events.Elementary, Complementary, and composite events. Examples and a definition of probability, both classical and statistical.Simple problems with basic probability theorems. Simple problems include conditional probability and Bayes’ theorem. Using a random variable as a sample space function.Examples of random experiments that gave rise to the binomial distribution. |
Read More: NDA Previous Year Question Papers
NDA Syllabus for English
NDA Syllabus English: English is Part A of Paper 2 (General Ability Test (GAT)) in the written exam of NDA 2023. To increase their scores in the English section, candidates should read newspapers on a daily basis. They should also highlight any difficult or new words and find their definitions to improve their vocabulary and also improve to solve the reading comprehension section questions. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the candidates’ command of the English language and their capacity for formal word usage.
NDA Syllabus for English – Paper 2 (Part A) |
Reading Comprehension & cohesion Questions.Cloze Test QuestionsSpotting the Error Questions. Fill in the Blanks Questions. Synonyms & Antonyms and Vocabulary Questions.Idioms and Phrases Questions.Sentence Arrangement or Para Jumbled Questions.Ordering of words in Sentence Questions.Sentence Improvement or Sentence Correction Questions.Grammar and their usage type Questions |
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NDA Syllabus for General Knowledge
NDA Syllabus for General Knowledge: General Knowledge is the Part B of Paper 2 (General Ability Test (GAT)) in the written exam of NDA 2023. The General Knowledge section will cover the following disciplines Physics, Chemistry, General Science, Social Studies, Geography, and Current Events.
The following syllabus is intended to outline the range of the topics covered in this paper. The list of topics is not intended to be comprehensive; you may also be asked questions about subjects that are broadly related but not included in the syllabus specifically. Candidates are required to show knowledge and a thorough understanding of the topic in their answers.
NDA Syllabus for General Knowledge – Paper 2 (Part B) | |
Physics | Physical characteristics and states of matter, the Archimedes principle, pressure barometers, and mass, weight, volume, density, and specific gravity.Newton’s Laws of Motion, Velocity, and Acceleration, Objects’ Motion, Force, and Momentum, Parallelogram of Forces, Bodies’ Stability and Equilibrium, Gravitation, Basic Concepts of Work, Power, and Energy.Effects of Heat, Temperature and Heat Measurement, State Change and Latent Heat, and Heat Transfer Modes.Simple musical instruments and their qualities, sound waves. Light propagation, reflection, and refraction along a straight line. The human eye has spherical mirrors and lenses. Earth is a magnet, with properties of a magnet, and natural and artificial magnets. Electrical power measurement, primary and secondary cells, use of X-rays, conductors and nonconductors, Ohm’s Law, simple electrical circuits, heating, lighting, and magnetic effects of current.General Principles for the following tools’ function: Simple Pendulums, Simple Pulleys, Siphons, Levers, Balloons, Pumps, Hydrometers, Pressure Cookers, Thermos Flasks, Gramophones, Telephones, Periscopes, Telescopes, Microscopes, Mariner’s Compasses, Lighting Conductors, and Safety Fuses. |
Chemistry | Chemical and physical changes.Law of Chemical Combination, Symbols, Formulae, and Simple Chemical Equations, Elements, Mixtures, and Compounds (excluding problems).Characteristics of water and air.Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide preparation and properties, as well as oxidation and reduction.Salts, bases, and acids.Different types of carbon.Natural and artificial fertilizers. Materials used in the manufacturing of the substances include soap, glass, ink, paper, cement, paints, safety matches, and gunpowder. Basics of atomic structure, atomic equivalents, molecular weights, and valency |
General Science | Differences between living things and non-living things.Basis of Life: Tissues, Protoplasm, and Cells.Plant and animal growth and reproduction. Basic knowledge of the human body’s major organ causes and prevention of common epidemics.Food: A Human’s source of energy.A balanced diet, and dietary components.The Solar System, comets and meteors, and eclipses.Successes of Renowned Scientists. |
History/Polity/Economy | A comprehensive examination of Indian history with a focus on culture and civilization.Indian Freedom MovementBasic instruction on the Indian government and constitution.Basic understanding of India’s five-year plans. Cooperatives, Panchayati Raj, and Community Development.Basic Teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, Bhoodan, Sarvodaya, National Integration, and Welfare State. Renaissance, exploration, and discovery, as well as the American Revolutionary War, are factors influencing the modern world. the Industrial Revolution, the Russian Revolution, and the French Revolution.Social effects of science and technology.United Nations, Panchsheel, Democracy, Socialism, and Communism concepts. India’s role in the modern world. |
Geography | The size and shape of the Earth. Concept of time, latitudes, and longitudes. International Date Line.Earth’s movements and their consequences. Genesis of Earth.Classification of rocks; mechanical and chemical weathering; earthquakes and volcanoes.Climate types, the world’s major natural regions, ocean currents and tides, atmospheric pressure, temperature, planetary winds, cyclones, and anti-cyclones, humidity, condensation, and precipitation.India’s regional geography—Climate, Resources for minerals and energy, Natural Vegetation; the location and distribution of industrial and agricultural activity.Important seaports and India’s primary land, sea, and air routes.India’s primary imports and exports items. |
Current Events | Knowledge of significant current events that have occurred in India in recent years.Current major Global developments. Prominent figures of India and around the world, including those involved in sports and culture. |
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NDA Syllabus PDF FAQs
Q. Does the NDA syllabus change every year?
Ans. The NDA Syllabus 2023 has not changed from the previous year. The NDA Syllabus mainly consists of Mathematics (10+2 level questions) and General Ability Test (GAT).
Q. How many hours should I study for NDA?
Ans. There are no fixed hours to study and crack the NDA exam. But still, candidates should give 3-4 hours on a daily basis and at least 6 months for the complete preparation of the NDA 2023 exam.
Q. How can I prepare for NDA 2023?
Ans. For NDA 2023, candidates first become aware of the exam pattern and syllabus thoroughly and then start solving the previous year’s question papers and practice mock tests.
Q. What is the age limit of NDA 2023?
Ans. A candidate must be between the age of 16.5 and 19.5 years in order to meet the age requirement to appear for the NDA 1 2023 exam.
Q. Is NDA maths easy?
Ans. If you want to crack the NDA exam, you cannot ignore mathematics which carries 300 maximum marks. Each and every topic in the maths syllabus is related to the 10+2 level. The preparation of mathematics can be made easy by just maintaining consistency and regular practice.