What is the Procedure to Join NDA After XII Science/Arts/Commerce | NDA Selection Process

Some of the easy steps concerning the way to be part of NDA when twelfth Science or the way to be part of NDA when completion of Graduation or the way to be part of NDA when completion of twelfth Commerce are well listed here.

NDA 2020 Highlights :

Exam name National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination 
Conducted by UPSC 
Exam level National 
Exam category After Class 12
Frequency of exam Twice a year
Exam stages Written Test and SSB Interview 
Exam mode Offline 
Exam duration 5 hours (Mathematics – 2 ½ hours, General Ability Test (GAT) – 2 ½ hours) 
Exam syllabus Mathematics – Algebra, Matrices and Determinants, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry of two and three dimensions, Differential Calculus, Vector Algebra, Statistics and Probability.GAT – English, General Knowledge, Physics, Chemistry, General Science, Geography, Current Events etc. 
Exam pattern GAT – 150 objective type questions Mathematics – 120 objective type questions 
Language English and Hindi 
Exam purpose For admission to National Defence Academy (NDA) and Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC) 
Test cities 41
Exam helpdesk011-23385271/011-23381125/011- 23098543 
Official websiteupsc.gov.in

NDA Selection Process

The complete process of NDA is explained below: 

Filling the application form 

Interested candidates need to fill NDA application form online. The application fee is Rs 100 which can be paid both online and offline. The commission releases the list of rejected applicants a few days after the closure of the application process. Besides, the examination authority also activates the link to withdraw NDA application form for a specified period. Candidates who do not wish to appear for the exam can withdraw their application form. 

Release of admit card 

NDA admit card is released three weeks before the exam. The link to download the admit card will be available on the official website. Candidates can download the admit card by logging either with roll number or registration number. The hard copy of the admit card is not sent to candidates by post. 

Written Exam

All the candidates who successfully register for the exam are required to appear for the written exam. The written exam comprises two sections – Mathematics and General Ability Test. The test carries a total of 900 marks. Candidates who obtain the minimum qualifying marks in the written exam are called for SSB Interview. Read more on NDA exam pattern. 

Declaration of result

NDA result is declared online in two stages – written and final. First, the result of the written exam is declared followed by the declaration of final result. The result is made available in PDF format. It displays the roll numbers of qualified candidates. The marksheet of candidates are released after the declaration of the final result. Candidates need to secure NDA cut off 2020 separately in written exam and SSB Interview. 

SSB Interview

The SSB Interview is conducted for Intelligence and Personality Test. The test is conducted in two stages. All qualified candidates are put to stage 1 test on the first day of reporting at Selection Centres/Air Force Selection Boards/Naval Selection Boards. Candidates qualifying the first stage are called for the second stage exam. Those who will qualify the second stage are required to submit a birth certificate and pass certificate. 

Final Selection 

Candidates are finally selected for admission to admission to Army, Navy and Air Force wings of NDA and INAC based on their performance in written exam and SSB Interview. The final allocation will be done as per the number of vacancies subjected to candidates eligibility, medical fitness and merit-cum-preference. 

Important Documents for Joining NDA After 12th:

Matriculation passed certificate or equivalent in support of date of birth,
Original 10+2 pass certificate or equivalent in support of academic qualification.
To be acceptable, candidates for the Army/ Navy/ academy and Air Force ought to secure the minimum qualifying marks severally in:
Written examination of NDA as set by the Commission
Officer Potentiality exam as fastened by the Services selection Board at their discretion
Must browse Below Shared Tips For examination Preparation:

Keep visiting our portal for receiving a lot of updates regarding jobs, results articles. a way to be a part of NDA when Graduation isn’t any additional a question if you meet all eligibility norms how to join NDA after 12th.