NDA Exam Centres 2023: is provided by the UPSC in the official notification. At present, a total of 75 exam centres are there across the country for National Defence Academy & Naval Academy exams. The exam centre is allotted to the candidates based on their choice of preference and availability of seats. The exam centre is then mentioned on the NDA admit card uploaded by the UPSC. NDA Exam Centres 2023
NDA Exam Centres 2023
- The number of candidates that can choose a specific examination centre is limited.
- NDA exam centres will be allotted to candidates on a first-come-first-serve basis.
- Once a centre has reached its capacity, candidates will not be able to select that particular centre and should opt for other centres nearby.
- Seat limits have not been imposed on the following exam centres – Chennai, Dispur, Kolkata, and Nagpur.
- UPSC will not accept the request to make changes in the allotted exam centres.

NDA Exam Centres | |
Agartala | Bilaspur |
Agra | Chandigarh |
Ahmedabad | Chennai |
Aizwal | Coimbatore |
Aligarh | Cuttack |
Almora | Delhi |
Ananthapur | Dharwad |
Aurangabad | Dispur |
Bareilly | Faridabad |
Bengaluru | Gangtok |
Jorhat | Garwhal (Srinagar) |
Bhopal | Gautam Budh Nagar |
Ghaziabad | Gurgaon |
Gorakhpur | Gwalior |
Hyderabad | Imphal |
Indore | Itanagar |
Jabalpur | Jaipur |
Jammu | Jodhpur |
Kochi | Kohima |
Kolkata | Kozhikode |
Leh | Lucknow |
Ludhiana | Madhurai |
Mysuru | Mumbai |
Nagpur | Sambalpur |
Navi Mumbai | Shillong |
Panaji (Goa) | Shimla |
Patna | Siliguri |
Port Blair | Srinagar |
Prayagraj (Allahabad) | Thane |
Puducherry | Thiruvananthapuram |
Pune | Tiruchirapalli |
Raipur | Tirupati |
Rajkot | Udaipur |
Ranchi | Varanasi |
Vellore | Vijayawada |
Vishakhapatnam | Warangal |
NDA Exam Centres 2023 Choose Center
Check out the details of NDA 2022 Result
NDA Exam Centres 2022: How to Choose?
The registration for NDA exam is done online. The application form can be filled at upsc.gov.in.
- In registration Part I, candidates have to fill in their personal, qualification, communication & other required details.
- After completing Part I, candidates will receive the registration number. In Part II of the registration, candidates have the option to select the exam centres.
- Select NDA exam centres from the given list of cities.
- Give up to three preferences, keeping in mind the nearest cities.
- Allotment of the examination centres will be done on a first-apply-first-allotment basis.
- After selecting the exam centres, make a payment, and upload their recent photograph and signature.
Read about NDA Physical TestInstructions
NDA Exam Centres 2023: Important Points
- Candidates will be allotted NDA 2022 Exam Centres on the first-apply-first-allot basis and once the capacity of a particular Centre is attained, the same will be frozen.
- Applicants should note that there will be a ceiling on the number of candidates allotted to each of the exam centres except Chennai, Dispur, Kolkata and Nagpur.
- Applicants, who cannot get an exam centre of their choice due to the ceiling, will be required to choose an exam centre from the remaining ones.
- Candidates can select three exam centres of their choice while applying for NDA & NA 2022.
- Applicants will have to enter the preferences of exam centers in the application form.
- Aspirants will have to appear for the written exam at the NDA Exam Centres 2022 allotted by UPSC. The name of the exam centres will be mentioned in the Admit Card.
- Candidates should reach the exam centre at least 1 hour before the reporting time along with NDA Admit Card and identity proof.
- No request for a change in the exam centres will be entertained once they is allotted.
Relevant Links | ||
NDA Eligibility | NDA Preparation Tips | NDA Vacancy |
NDA Exam Dates | NDA Exam Pattern | NDA Exam Analysis |
Check NDA Answer Key 2022.Exam Guidelines
NDA Exam Centre 2022: Exam Day Guidelines
- The aspirants should reach the NDA exam centre one hour before the exam.
- Do not forget to carry the printout of your e-admit card of NDA 2022, otherwise, you will not be allowed to appear for the exam.
- Additionally, the candidates should also carry a valid photo id of you. For instance, you can carry any of the driving license/voter id/PAN card/Aadhaar card/Passport/ Aadhaar enrollment receipt/ ration card 2022.
- Do not carry any metallic equipment or electronic gadgets or phone, calculator, camera, tape recorder, pager, or microphone to the examination hall.
Candidates must follow all the instructions, failing to it might result in the cancellation of the paper as well. NDA 1 admit card is released on March 14, 2022. Candidates who will be appearing in the exam must own a copy of it. The result of the exam will be released tentatively in May 2022.
Upcoming NDA 2022 Exam Dates NDA FAQs
NDA Exam Centres: FAQs
Ques. How many NDA exam centres are in India?
Ans. The Union Public Service Commission has enlisted almost 75 exam centres for the NDA 2022 Exam. During the NDA application process, candidates are able to choose 3 exam centres as per their choice.
Ques. How can I change my NDA exam centre?
Ans. Yes, candidates will be able to choose NDA exam centre as per their preference among the 75 exam centres before the deadline. However, once the exam centre is allotted, they cannot change it in any case.
Ques. How many attempts are there in NDA Exam?
Ans. There are no restrictions on the number of attempts in the NDA exam. A candidate can appear in the exam as long as he is eligible for it.
Ques. How many cities can be selected for NDA Exam?
Ans. During the NDA application process, the applicant can select three cities for NDA exam.
Ques. In how many shifts was NDA II 2022 Exam conducted?
Ans. There is be two shifts in NDA exam – morning shift and afternoon shift.
Ques. What do I need to carry in NDA exam centre?
Ans. Candidates need to carry the NDA admit card, and one photo-identity proof. Candidates also can take a clipboard or hardboard and a black ball pen for marking answers.
Ques. When should I reach the NDA exam centre?
Ans. Candidates should reach the exam centres at least 1 hour before the exam timing given in NDA admit card.
Ques. Are the travel allowances provided for SSB Interview?
Ans. The shortlisted candidates who are appearing for SSB Interview for the first time, will be provided with r a particular type of Commission will be entitled to AC III Tier railway fare with return services or bus fare including reservation cum sleeper charges within the Indian limits.
Ques. Is a calculator allowed in NDA exam hall?
Ans. No, any sort of electronics including calculator is not allowed in NDA exam hall. The candidates must not be in possesion of them in the exam hall.