KNOW ABOUT “CHIEF OF DEFENCE STAFF” – Best NDA Coaching in India – Best CDS Coaching in Lucknow

Top CDS Coaching in Lucknow


Best CDS Coaching in Lucknow - Best Defence Coaching in Lucknow
Best CDS Coaching in Lucknow – Best Defence Coaching in Lucknow

Best CDS Coaching in Lucknow – Best Defence Coaching in Lucknow

The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS): Mr. Bipin Rawat has been appointed as the first Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) of India. He will remain on the post till the age of 65 years. The Chief of Defence Staff will also play the role of military advisor on important defense and strategic issues for the Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of the country.

The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) will integrate the operations of the three forces i.e. Indian Army, the Indian Air Force, and the Indian Navy. The Chief of Defence Staff will also play the role of military advisor on important defense and strategic issues for the Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of the country.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced from the rampart of Red Fort that the post of CDS will be created soon. Former General Bipin Rawat has been appointed as the first Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) of India. He will remain on the post till the age of 65 years.

Best NDA Coaching in India – Best Defence Coaching in Lucknow

The history behind the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) in India

It is not the first time that the creation of the post of CDS is in progress. The proposal for setting up a CDS has been contemplated around 20 years ago after the Kargil War of 1999 by the K. Subrahmanyam committee. But in the absence of political consensus and apprehensions among services; it never moved forward. Naresh Chandra’s committee recommended the appointment of a Permanent Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC) in 2012, but this was also of no use.

Who is the Chief of Defence Staff?

The CDS is meant to be a single-point military advisor to the government on important defense and strategic issues for the Prime Minister and Minister of Defense.

The Chief of Defence Staff will be assigned the work of coordinating long-term planning, training, procurement, and logistics of the three army wings.

As we know that the budget of defence sector is going to flat so the stress on resources is increasing year by year. Now it is the need of the hour to increase the coordination among the three army wings by optimizing the use of limited resources.

India is a nuclear weapons state, the CDS will also act as the military advisor to the Prime Minister on nuclear issues.

Now It is clear that the tenure of the CDS will be up to 65 years of age and the rank of Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) will be higher than the three army chiefs.

Worth mentioning here that all major countries, especially the nuclear-weapon states, have a Chief of Defence Staff (CDS).

Functions of Chief of Defence Staff (CDS)

Functions of Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) - best CDS Coaching in Lucknow
Functions of Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) – Best CDS Coaching in Lucknow

1. He will serve as the Principal Military Advisor to the Defense Minister on all tri-Services matters.

2. He Will act as the military advisor to the Atomic Command Authority.

3. CDS will not exercise any military command.

4. CDS will be a member of the Defense Acquisition Council headed by the Minister of Defense.

5. He will be the permanent chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee.

6. CDS Will also act as the head of the Department of Military Affairs.

So the creation of the post of Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) is the need of the hour to

increase the coordination among all three wings of the Indian army so that the limited resources of the defence can be optimally utilized and good results can be shown during any war-like situation.
