Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow | Best Defence Coaching in Lucknow

Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow

Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow – The Union Public Service Commission announces the NDA Result. Candidates will be able to check and download NDA results directly from the PDF made available in the article or from the official website.

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Latest update on NDA Result – NDA Result 2021 Out | Check NDA/NA I & II Result & Marks

The Commission has released the 2020 NDA Result list, in order of merit of 478 candidates, who have qualified on the basis of the results of the Written Examination held on 6th September 2020 and the subsequent Interviews held by the Services Selection Board. Candidates who appeared for NDA 2 2020 can go through the detailed Result PDF provided below – 

NDA 2 Final Result 2020:- 

The Union Public Service Commission has released the NDA 1 2021 result for the written examination on 30th June on the official website.  Candidates can check the NDA 2021 result on the link provided below – 

NDA 1 Result 2021 PDF:- 

NDA Results – Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow

Candidates whose names are there in the NDA result list are selected for admission to the 144th Course of National Defence Academy (NDA) and 106th Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC). 

NDA Result 2021 – 

Given below are tentative dates for the release of NDA 1 Result 2021 and NDA 2 result 2021.

NDA Result 2021 – Dates
NDA Result Events NDA 1 Result 2021NDA 2 Result 2021
Written exam April 18th 2021September 5th 2021 Postponed November 14th 2021 New Dates
Declaration of result for written examJune 30th 2021December 2021 tentative
Declaration of final NDA result To be notified To be notified

Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow

Aspirants of various Government Exams can know the details of the upcoming examination on the linked page. 

NDA Result 2020 – Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow

The commission has announced the NDA result 2020 on the official site on 9th October.

NDA Result 2020
EventsNDA Result Dates
NDA 1 Notification release dateJanuary 8th 2020
NDA 2 notification release dateJune 16th 2020
NDA 1 & 2 exam date September 6th 2020
NDA Result for written exam October 9th 2020
NDA 1 2020 Final ResultMarch 6th 2021
NDA 2 2020 Final ResultJuly 6th 2021

Best NDA Academy in Lucknow

UPSC has released the NDA 1 2020 Marks on March 12th, 2021 for those candidates who have secured names in the final result. Candidates can check NDA 1 2021 scorecard on PDF provided below – 

NDA 1 2020 Marks PDF – 

The UPSC has announced the NDA 1 2020 Final Result on March 6th 2021. The list, in order of merit of 533 candidates, who have qualified on the basis of the results of the Written Examination held by the UPSC on 6th September 2020 and the subsequent Interviews held by the Services Selection Board. The NDA 1 Final Result 2020  can be checked on the PDF given below – 

NDA 1 2020 Final Result PDF – 

The results of the Medical Examination have not been taken into account in preparing these lists. The marks of the candidates will be available on the website after 15 days from the date of declaration, candidates can check their NDA 1 2020 marks on official website.

The UPSC released NDA I & II Result on October 9th 2020. The exam for NDA I and II 2020 was conducted on September 6th. Candidates who appeared for the examination can check the NDA Result PDF given below:

NDA Result 2020 PDF- 

Candidates can keep track of NDA notifications for the latest updates regarding the same.

NDA Result 2019 – 

The Union Public Service Commission has announced the final result of NDA II 2019 and selected a total of 662 candidates for admission in the 144th Course of National Defence Academy (NDA) and 106th Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC). 

The final selection has been done on the basis of candidates performance in the written exams and SSB interviews. Candidates can check the detailed schedule of the NDA 2019 result given below-

NDA Result 2019
EventsNDA Result Dates
NDA I Notification Release Date January 9th 2019
NDA I Result 2019June 18th 2019
NDA II Notification release DateAugust 7th 2019
NDA II Result 2019September 14th 2020

Best NDA Coaching in Lucknow

NDA Result 2019 – UPSC released NDA II result 2019 on September 14th, 2020. A total of 662 candidates have been selected for admission. Check the NDA II Result 2019 PDF given below- 

UPSC NDA II Result 2019 –

Candidates who have made it to the final NDA Result can go through the detailed NDA Salary & Allowances in the given link. 

How to Check the NDA Result?

As already mentioned, the result for the NDA exam is published on the official website of UPSC, applicants who have qualified in the final NDA result need to follow the steps given below to check the NDA result. 

Steps to check NDA Result – 

  1. Visit the official UPSC website (
  2. Click on the NDA result link on the home page
  1. NDA Result 2020 will open in PDF format
  2. Press Ctrl+F and search for your name and roll number, if shortlisted your name will be highlighted.
  3. Save and download NDA Result PDF for future reference. 

Keep track of this page for regular updates on the NDA exam result. 

NDA Marking Scheme – 

The Union Public service commission follows a pattern for the calculation of scores.

  1. In the Mathematics section, 2.5 marks are awarded for each correct answer.
  2. And, for each wrong answer, candidates lose 0.33 marks. 
GAT- Number of correct answers x 4 – Number of incorrect answers x 0.33 Mathematics – Number of correct answers x 2.5 – Number of incorrect answers x 0.33

NDA Scorecard – 

NDA mark sheet is made available 15 days from the date of release of the NDA final result. Candidates will be given 30 days time to download the NDA scorecard.

  1. Name of the candidates
  2. Roll numbers

Aspirants of the various examinations can go through the preparation strategies for competitive exams on the linked page to ace the exam with flying colours.

Stages of NDA result – 

UPSC declares NDA results in two stages. The stages of NDA Result 2020 are explained below.

NDA Result for Written Exam 2020 – 

GAT and Mathematics which counts to a total of 900 marks. Candidates who are able to score the minimum qualifying marks in the written exam are selected for SSB Interview for Intelligence and Personality Test.

Final NDA Result 2020 – 

After the completion of the SSB Interview round, UPSC declares the NDA final result. Applicants who are able to make it up to this level are selected for admission to the Indian Security Forces based on their performance. SSB Interview round is conducted in two stages and it is important for candidates to secure separate minimum qualifying marks in both tests.

After the declaration of Final NDA Result 2021 Out

NDA Result – Tie-Breaking  

NDA Cut Off –

The UPSC releases NDA Cut Off after the completion of the recruitment process. The cut-off marks for the NDA  exam is different for the written examination and the SSB Interview round.

The table below highlights the NDA Cut Off Marks for the Previous year-

NDA Cut Off 2019
Army/ Navy/ Air Force/ Naval AcademyCut off marks
Written Exams out of 900 marks342 (With at least 25% marks in each subject) 
Final NDA Cut Off out of 1800 marks704

Aspirants of NDA exam and other government examinations can check the given links for assistance – 

Check details related to Government exams after the 12th in the given link. 

Frequently Asked Question – NDA Result 2021

Q.1. How can candidates check the CDS Result?

Ans. Candidates will be able to check the NDA/NA Result online on the official website of UPSC. The step by step procedure to check the NDA Result is given in the article.

Q.2. What do the candidates have to do after NDA result declaration?

Ans. Candidates qualifying for the NDA written exam are required to register themselves online on websites given in the article for their SSB Centres and Date of Interview details.

Q.3. What will be NDA Cut Off marks?

Ans. NDA cut off 2020 varies for different sessions of the exam. The cut off for the NDA examination is released by the UPSC after completion of the recruitment process.

Q.4. What is NDA Merit List?

Ans. After the completion of the NDA selection process, UPSC releases the final list of selected candidates as per the available vacancies, known as the NDA merit list. The merit list is prepared based on the total marks scored by candidates in the written exam and SSB Interview.

Q.5. Is there any minimum qualifying marks in NDA exam?

Ans. Yes, candidates have to secure the minimum qualifying marks in each subject of the written examination and they are required to score 25% in each subject.