Agniveer applies for ACC during
Can an Agniveer apply for ACC during their 4 years of service?
Agniveer applies for ACC during the: Are you a graduate? As an Agniveer, do you want to join ACC to become an officer in the near future? Aren’t you aware of proposals submitted by DMA that, ACC cadets in the future will not become officers, but direct entry JCO? As per their proposal submitted to the Govt, the Indian Army will directly induct JCOs who have cleared the Services Selection Board (SSB) interview. The UPSC will conduct an entrance examination, which would be followed by an SSB interview and a medical examination.
Selected candidates would then be trained for one and a half years before joining the units as JCOs. Subsequently, they would be promoted to officers up to the rank of Colonels based on their length of service and qualifications. If the proposals are approved, the 3-year degree course at ACC plus one year pre-commissioning at IMA will be ceased. The draft proposal on the procedure at ACC will be as per their letter in Para 3 & 4 given below. Extremely sad to state that, existing officers’ entries are converted into JCOs & JCOs getting screened in SSB for the first time for JCO-like qualities. Such degradation and erosion of standards. Indian Army never happened. My blood boils to think that the Indian army has been made a testing ground for experiments by the so-called national Hero, who is not among us.
NB. The officer who destroyed ACC had served as an instructional staff during 1983- 1985. He served for 2 years in ACC as an instructor. His intentions were very clear, firstly, NDA should not have any parity with ACC and latter should not be a feeder institution to IMA next, no serving def personnel from the ranks should become a permanent regular commissioned officer. Such a mean mentality, hatred towards serving personnel & denial of opportunities. He has acted like a dictator & this is what happens when Govt pokes its dirty nose in the rigid and time-tested structure of our def forces. Modiji made him CDS, and the Publicity Cell of the BJP glorified him as a National Hero for modernizing our armed forces. My foot.