Do you know the Flag Code of India, 2002?

Do you know the Flag Code of India, 2002? Warriors NDA Academy is Awarded as Best NDA Academy in Lucknow. WDA is the best NDA Coaching in Lucknow India. We are the Leading NDA/CDS Coaching in Lucknow. When some of the most experienced defence career coaches gathered, the Warriors’ Defence Academy came into existence. We are a team of career coaching experts, who provide complete grooming to aspirants who appear for written examination for NDA and CDS and SSB interviews to become defence officers.
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The Flag Code of India, 2002 is in effect from January 26, 2002. It superseded the existing Flag Code-India. The flag code of India,2002 has been divided into 3 parts. Part 1 contains the general descriptions of the National Flag while part 2 is based on the display of the National Flag by the private and public organisations etc. and part 3 is devoted to the display of the National Flag by the State and Central Government and their agencies.

National Flag of India
The display of the National Flag is governed by the provisions of the Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act, 1950 and the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971. The Flag Code of India, 2002 is an attempt to bring together all such laws, conventions, practices and instructions for the guidance and benefit of all concerned.
In this article, we are publishing some general descriptions about the Indian National Flag which are fetched from part 1 and part 2 of the Flag Code of India, 2002.
1. The National Flag shall be made of hand spun and hand woven wool/cotton/ silk/khadi bunting.
2. The colour of the top panel of the flag shall be Indian saffron and that of the bottom panel shall be India green. The middle panel shall be white, bearing at its centre and design of Ashoka Chakra in navy blue colour with 24 equally spaced spokes.
3. The Ashoka Chakra shall preferably be screen printed or otherwise printed or stencilled or suitable embroidered and shall be completely visible on both the sides of the flag in the centre of the white panel.
4. The National Flag of India shall be rectangular in shape.
The ratio of the length to the height (width) of the flag shall be as follows;
Flag Size No. | Length of Flag ( in mm) | Height (width) of Flag ( in mm) |
1. | 6300 | 4200 |
2. | 3600 | 2400 |
3. | 2700 | 1800 |
4. | 1800 | 1200 |
5. | 1350 | 900 |
6. | 900 | 600 |
7. | 450 | 300 |
8. | 225 | 150 |
9. | 150 | 100 |
5. The flags of 450×300 mm size are intended for the aircrafts on VVIP flights, 225×150 mm size for motor cars and 150×100 mm size for the table flags.
6. There shall be no restriction on the display of the National Flag by the private organisations, educational institutions and members of the general public etc. except to the extent provided in the Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act,1950 and National Honour Act, 1971.
7. The flag shall not be used for commercial purposes in violation of the Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act, 1950.
8. The flag should be displayed in open and should be as far as possible, be flown from sunrise to sunset.
9. The flag shall not be intentionally allowed to touch the ground or trail in the water.
10. The flag shall not be dipped in salute to any person or thing.
11. The flag shall not be used as a portion of costume or uniform of any description nor shall it be embroidered or printed upon cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins or any dress material.
12. Advertisement/Notification/Lettering of any kind should not be put upon the flag.
13. The flag shall not be used as a covering for the statue /monuments/building etc.
14. The flag shall not be used as a receptacle for receiving, delivering, holding or carrying anything.
15. The flag made of paper may be hoisted by public on the occasions like national, cultural and sports events. But paper flags should not be discarded or thrown on the ground after the event.
16. The flag shall not be intentionally displayed with the “Saffron” down.
17. A member of the private, public organisation or an educational institution may hoist/display the National Flag on all days and occasions or otherwise with dignity and honour of the National Flag.
18. No other flag should be placed higher than or above or side by side with the National Flag.
19. A damaged or dirty flag should not be displayed.
20. A damaged and soiled National Flag shall be destroyed in a private ceremony preferable burning or by any other dignified manner.
So you read the main descriptions of the Flag Code of India, 2002. I hope that you must come to know many new things about the display of our National Flag. So after reading these descriptions you will not insult the Indian National Flag willingly or unwillingly.